Placer and Alluvial Gold Mining Solutions

Placer and Alluvial Gold Mining Solutions

Placer and Alluvial Gold Mining Solutions

We specialize in delivering efficient and sustainable solutions for placer and alluvial gold mining. Placer gold, often found in sedimentary deposits like alluvial sources, beach sands, and other geological formations, is naturally concentrated by water and erosion. Alluvial gold, typically found beneath riverbeds and stream beds, takes the form of fine dust, thin flakes, or occasional nuggets. Our advanced technologies and processes are designed to ensure maximum gold recovery while minimizing environmental disruption.

Compared to underground mining, placer and alluvial gold mining is widely recognized as one of the most eco-friendly methods, due to its reduced environmental footprint and lower energy requirements. By leveraging the natural forces of water to concentrate gold, we provide innovative, sustainable approaches that preserve both the ecosystem and the economic value of these deposits.

Process Overview

Scalping and Screening: The process begins with riverbed material being fed by an excavator onto our Guardian portable scalping screener, which removes oversized particles (+20 mm) that may interfere with further processing. The remaining minus 20 mm material is passed to the next stage for wet sizing.The minus 20 mm material is directed to the Centriscreen wet sizing screen, which effectively removes plus 5 mm material. This step ensures that only finer material continues through the process, maximizing the potential for gold recovery.

Attrition Scrubbing: The minus 5 mm material is then routed to the Centrimax cyclone for controlling slurry concentration. The cyclone separates excess water from solids, adjusting the density of the slurry. The concentrated underflow is sent to Atropure heavy-duty attrition scrubber, where particles are scrubbed to remove clays and other impurities. This crucial step enhances gold liberation, making it easier to recover during the concentration phases.

Pre-Concentration: After attrition, the scrubbed material is fed into a multi-stage jigging circuit for pre-concentration. Jigs effectively separate heavier gold particles from lighter materials, taking advantage of the density differences. The reject from the jigs primarily consists of sand, which is processed in the Centriwash sand classification and dewatering system for production of sand as a usable by product.

Our alluvial and placer gold mining solutions are designed to maximize gold recovery while promoting sustainable practices. For more information about our solutions or to discuss your specific needs, please contact us today.

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