Construction & Demolition Waste Management

What is C&D Waste?

What is C&D Waste?

Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste comprises of the debris generated during construction and demolition activities. Every time when buildings and civil-engineering structures are built, renovated or demolished a sizable amount of C&D Waste is generated. This waste often includes a variety of material depending on how and where it was generated including concrete, metals, bricks, glass, plastics, organics, etc.

C&D Waste Hazards

Construction & Demolition, if not managed properly can be a huge urban menace. C&D Waste is a major source of air pollution. Designated landfill sites are occupying huge real estate and land worth billions of dollars are buried under C&D waste. Rampant illegal dumping in lakes and rivers is also destroying our water bodies.

Recycling C&D Waste

Our advanced C&D waste processing systems helps you convert this waste into Recycled sand and aggregates that have a range of uses in a variety of construction applications.

  • Maximise the recycling of construction, demolition and excavation waste
  • Maximise the production of high quality, high value recycled sand and aggregates which can be used as a replacement for natural materials in a range of construction applications including concrete and asphalt production
  • Ensure the ability to meet growing demand for sand and aggregates from a sustainable source
  • Protecting sand and aggregate supply in areas where natural reserves are in decline
  • Minimising transport costs for sand and aggregates – recycled materials are typically produced closer to urban centres
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of your processing operation by producing recycled sand and aggregates closer to market

It is only through the introduction of a washing plant for your C&D waste that you will maximise material recovery and maximise the removal of the various contaminants that will otherwise restrict the final destination for your recycled sand and aggregate products.

C&D Waste Management Facility

Customizing your C&D Waste Recycling Plant

Due to the highly variable nature of construction, demolition and excavation waste each plant we design is built according to the specific requirements of the project. The different levels of contamination, fines content and variability of input materials (excavation waste, railway ballast etc) requires an individual approach to each and every recycling plant for construction and demolition waste that we build.

Each plant we design includes a variety of processing phases depending on your specific requirements:


Feeding & pre-screening


Aggregate scrubbing


Contaminant removal


Metals removal


Sand washing


Aggregate sizing


Primary stage water treatment


Feeding & pre-screening

Related Process Equipment

View In-Situ C&D Waste Processing
Recycling case studies